A new boutique with a difference – it is not odds on to fail

Most start up boutique investment management firms fail. Many are doomed to fail before they source their first client. Start-ups can fail for any number of reasons. Misplaced confidence regarding [...]

Not all Trends are Worth Following

Fee pressure, investment management insourcing, growth in self-directed investing and increasing use of passive and listed fund structures.  These trends are well known and appear well established. [...]

Making Your Own Luck in the Lucky Country

A $2.5 trillion savings market with future growth underpinned by a government legislated compulsory superannuation savings system.  Transparent, sophisticated  and strongly regulated.  On paper [...]

Finding the Optimum Incubator

Start-up asset management firms have many decisions to make.  For those requiring funding, distribution and administration support the choice of incubation partner is the most critical of all these [...]

Navigating the Multi Asset Maze

They have been amongst the best-selling funds globally over the past five years. Recent and projected new fund launches suggest that the expectation is for this growth to continue. But what [...]

Multi Affiliate Business Model – Ex Growth?

On paper it appears the optimal asset management business model. The alignment benefits of an employee owned boutique combined with the corporate infrastructure of a large institution. For the best [...]

Active Australian Equities – Terminal decline?

In excess of 130 firms offering over 500 strategies. Institutional investors are hiring their own internal investment teams and allocations to Australian equities are declining. The consensus [...]

Critical Success Factors – The game has changed

The asset management industry to date has been built on product push and relative performance. Asset management firms created products that suited asset management firms with their validation based [...]