Making Your Own Luck in the Lucky Country

    A $2.5 trillion savings market with future growth underpinned by a government legislated compulsory superannuation savings system.  Transparent, sophisticated  and strongly regulated.  On paper Australia surely is the “Lucky Country” for asset management firms.   Why then are there so many tombstones of those that came here and failed?

    Buy, build, partner or visit regularly.  These are the four primary market entry options for prospective new entrants.  The correct option depends on a myriad of factors including the firm’s asset class specialty, access to capital, timeframe, funds under management capacity and fee requirements.

    We help clients avoid the mistakes of others.  Choice of market channel (institutional, intermediary or direct), product, product structure and local service providers are decisions that should not be made based on desk based research and fact finding trips alone.  Milestream assists clients in making all these decisions fully informed ones.