Clients we have worked with


Identifying those funds with the strongest net inflows is a relatively easy task. Understanding why the winners are winning is a lot more difficult.

Milestream provides assistance with the following:

– Identifying the common factors of the most successful products across asset classes
– Independent analysis of the real causes of individual funds flow underperformance
– Peer product comparisons across the full range of funds flow critical success factors – Input on the required steps to addresses identified blockages to future net flows


Many new products launched are doomed for failure prior to the first prospect call. Design flaws and lack of understanding of the addressable market are the most common failings.

Milestream provides assistance with the following:

– Preferred product structure e.g. unit trust, listed vehicle, separately managed account
– Product specifications e.g. fee structure, risk and return objectives, benchmark
– Prospective peer group comparisons
– Existing and future addressable market on an individual channel basis
– Gatekeeper optimization and prospective investor meeting preparation


Boutique start ups face many first time decisions. None are more critical than their choice of incubation partner and external service providers.

Milestream provides boutique asset managers assistance with:

– Compiling long and short lists of incubation partners
– Identifying and evaluating incubator value proposition
– Negotiation of key terms for incubation partnership and other service providers
– Corporate authorised representative services                                                                – Risk and compliance services access


Australia has long been recognised as an attractive market for asset management firms. As such, prospective new entrants need to carefully plan their approach to competing with incumbents.

We can assist prospective new market entrants with the following:

– Identifying critical success factors in the retail and institutional markets
– The pros and cons of market entry options e.g buy, build or partner
– Individual asset classes addressable demand and supply analysis
– Product suitability analysis for the Australian market
– Distribution and administration  service provider selection